Friday, August 31, 2012

#55- I am thankful for rainbows.

Rainbows may only be a reflection of light in water droplets but to me they are MAGICAL.

After a storm has passed and the sun starts to creep out from behind the clouds and the light hits the mist or remaining raindrops just so, there is a wonderful, mystical, magical rainbow.  No matter what you are doing or how rushed or stressed you may feel, if there is a rainbow in the sky, it feels almost impossible to not stop, for even a moment, to take a longer look.  It's the calm after a storm, it makes the rain worth it, it is the silver lining on the cloud.  Rainbows give us a moment to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and give us a sense of wonder.

"Rainbows have nothing to hide,.."~ The Rainbow Connection

Rainbows stand for peace and pride. Peace and Pride and Rainbows.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

I am thankful for rainbows!

#54- I am thankful for an empty sink.

When all the dishes are clean, the sink is empty, the drying rack is full and there are no more dishes to be washed. Your fingers might be a little pruney but the dishes are done.

I am thankful for an empty sink.

#53- I am thankful for dreaming dogs.

I love watching dogs sleep peacefully. I especially love when dogs dream in their sleep and their paws start to twitch and their noses start to wiggle and sometimes they even let out a tiny bark or whimper.  I only assume they are dreaming about chasing something or running around!

It's just so sweet to watch a dog dream. Dogs are such wonderful creatures and to watch them and witness the simple mind of a dog at rest is just a simple joy.

I am thankful for dreaming dogs.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thankful #52: I am thankful for Jerry Nelson.

Even though I didn't actually know who Jerry Nelson was before he passed away last week, I was very familiar with his work for almost my entire life.  As a fan of all Jim Henson creations, I'm saddened that we have lost another member of the Muppet family.

I am thankful that Jerry Nelson provided us with the voices of Herry Monster, the Count, Mr. Snuffleupagus,  the Two Headed Monster, Floyd Pepper, Robin, Camilla the chicken, Emmett Otter, Gobo Fraggle, Pa Gorg and Marjorie the Trash Heap.  

My childhood would not have been nearly as happy as it was without these characters.

Thank you Jerry Nelson.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful #50 and #51: I am thankful for double dates and mini golf!.

Thankful #50: I am thankful for double dates.

Double dates are so much fun!

Getting to spend time with not one, not two, but three people you adore is the best! Spending time with good friends who are a ton of fun to be with is what I am thankful for tonight.  Laughing, talking, just being with people who are open-minded and non-judgmental, is awesome.  I am thankful for double dates with good friends!

Thankful #51: I am thankful for mini golf.  

I don't think it's even possible to not have a good time when playing mini-golf. You can't really take yourself too seriously when you are hitting a tiny golf ball with a tiny club through a windmill or under an elephant or through a Frankenstein monster on top of a diorama of tiny Star Wars figurines.  You are forced to laugh at yourself when your golf ball lands in the water or outside of the actual course you are playing.  You get to be excited when someone else gets a hole-in-one!  It's not the kind of game where being competitive is even a thought. It's just plain fun. Simple, pure, easy fun.  I am thankful for mini golf!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thankful #49: I am thankful for lemonade stands.

I am thankful for the lemonade stands.

Lemonade stands make me think of the summer sun and sweet children.  I was lucky enough to walk by a lemonade stand this evening on my way home and I *had* to stop.  How can you not stop when a little boy is standing there with a fresh pitcher of lemonade and looking absolutely adorable?  I handed the cute child all the change I had in my wallet and he handed me a cup of refreshing lemonade.  He seemed so proud of the transaction.  He was so sweet and incredibly polite.  I just couldn't keep walking past a cute kid and his lemonade.

It's good to know that in this crazy world of ours, full of war, hatred and bigotry, that children still find joy and happiness in making and selling lemonade to their neighbors.  Even in this world full of sadness, there is still the sweetness of children and their lemonade stands.

I am thankful for lemonade stands.

Thankful #48: I am thankful for butterflies.

I am thankful for butterflies.

They are beautiful and free and elegant.

My grandmother loved butterflies.  Every single time I see one, I can't help but feel her with me. Butterflies brought her great joy, as she brought joy to so many people.

I am thankful for butterflies.

"The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.:
~Rabindranath Tagore

Thankful #47: I am thankful for my memories.

I am so very thankful for my memories.

Memories are more precious to me than almost any physical object that I possess.  Without the memories I have of my childhood, my family, special moments in time, I am nothing.

Anything can jog a special memory. A specific smell, a song, a sound, an image, a television show or movie. I have specific memories that are directly tied to different things.  I can hold an item or hear a song and vividly remember the moment in my mind.

There are other moments that I hold dear to my soul because they were when my immediate family was complete and whole. I carry those moments and memories with me wherever I go. I hold the memories of a time when things felt simple and innocent, close to my heart and soul.

Memories allow us to time travel. Memories allow us to be with those who left us. Memories allow us to be a child once again. Memories allow us to be with those who are far away.  Memories allow us to remember the joy and laughter of an easier time.

I am thankful for my memories.

Thankful #46: I am thankful for the ability to grow.

Even as adults we are constantly growing, learning, adapting.  We never stop learning. Everyday we experience new things and new opportunities for growth. We are not a perfect species but there are so many ways to learn and grow and improve ourselves.

Each challenge that we face is an opportunity for growth.  We need to learn from our mistakes so that we don't continue to make them.  We all make mistakes, not a single person is perfect. But from these mistakes, from these challenges, we are able to understand ourselves more.

There is always something new to learn about the world around us, about ourselves, about each other. But if you aren't open to learning and growing and maturing, then are you are preventing yourself from becoming a better version of yourself.

As adults, even though our bodies have stopped physically growing, we can still grow emotionally, intellectually, spiritually.  Our minds are still expanding and opening to new exciting adventures and ideas.

Keep your mind and your soul open, there is an unending amount growth possible. I am thankful for the ability to grow.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

#45: I am thankful for non-conformists.

I am thankful for non-conformists. 
I am thankful for people who don't follow societal "norms."  
I am thankful for people who are revolutionaries, rebels, deviants. 
I am thankful for the bravery and strength of people who are able to be different in a sea of sameness. 
I am thankful for people who dare to be different.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful #44: I am thankful for my nephew Nate!

I am so very thankful for my nephew Nate! Nate brings so much joy into so many peoples lives.  He always puts a smile on my face even if he lives miles and miles away!

Watching him grow over the past 3 years has been enriching and educational about child development and being a parent of an energetic little boy. His happiness is contagious. His curiosity and enthusiasm for understanding the world around him is inspirational.

Even if I only see him but once a year, the moments that we have spend together are memorable.  I fondly remember a time when he was only a few months old, holding him shortly after he was baptized. The smell of the anointing oil was tickling my nose and as I was gently bouncing him in my arms to soothe him, he slowly faded off to sleep right there on my chest. I couldn't help but cry because of how tender that moment was and how meaningful it meant to me. My heart was and is full of so much love for this little boy. I will always cherish that quiet sweet moment between us.

The happiness that Nate brings to his friends and family is remarkable. I am thankful for the funny stories I hear and pictures I see from his parents and grandparents. Each story and picture help me stay connected even if I can't be with him to watch him play, laugh and grow up.

I am thankful for Nate, the youngest of my nephews.  I'm so thankful that he is in my life!

Happy (belated) 3rd Birthday Nate!  Aunt Joshanna loves you SO much!

Thankful #43: I am thankful for John Lennon.

I am thankful for John Lennon.  Yes, I'm referring to the John Lennon homage in the Olympic Closing Ceremonies.  There's something about Lennon's "Imagine" that brings tears to my eyes. I do imagine a world without hatred, intolerance, poverty.  I truly believe in the message of the song, if you strip away everyone's differences that seem to cause such bitterness between people, we are all just humans. Humans who all want to be allowed the same freedoms and rights and the rest.

"Imagine all the people sharing all the world"

Thankful #42: I am thankful for a weekend away with friends Part 2

There was so much to be thankful for the time spend away in Brown County that I feel the need to make two posts!

I am thankful for a weekend away with friends; Part 2

I am thankful for the imagination of children.  I spend sometime with some delightful little girls over the weekend and they were so creative and imaginative! All we needed to keep busy were the fresh forest air, some dried leaves, some acorn shells and some twigs and what did we have? We created a completely different world! I love the sweetness that these children possessed and how well they seemed to get along.  They genuinely cared for one another and cared about their well-being.

I am thankful for the sweet sounds of giggles from infants! The adorable of giggles of babies, I think, could save the world. You can't help but melt when you hear the sound of laughter coming from a happy baby. Baby giggles, happy babies, happy children,....Happy Me!

I am ALSO thankful for time spent with good friends. I am thankful for laughter, happiness, togetherness and celebrations of love.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thankful #41: I am thankful for a weekend away with friends. Part 1.

I was able to take a break from hectic city life for an extended weekend in a rural part of Brown County, Indiana with some wonderful people.  Being that the weekend was full of joy and laughter and nature, I am thankful for SO many things.

I am thankful for hikes through the forest. I am thankful for the way the sunlight hits the ceiling of leaves and makes it's way down to the ground in little spurts. I am so very thankful for the various shades of green throughout a forest.  I love being able to breathe the fresh forest air. I am thankful for being able to hear nothing but crickets, cicadas and frogs through the night.

I am thankful for the sweet innocence of children. I am thankful for the moments when children grab your hand, unprovoked, just to be close and create a special bond.  I am thankful for the tender moment when a baby rests her head upon your chest to relax.  Being able to feel a baby's heartbeat echo through your chest because of the closeness, is indescribable.

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to get away from every day stresses and frustrations and just be.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Thankful #40: I am thankful for unconditional love.

I am thankful for my friends and family who love me unconditionally. I am nowhere close to being perfect and I am full of flaws, but my family and close friends love me regardless. Their unconditional love has made accepting my flaws and even loving myself that much easier.

It's hard to love someone unconditionally, but it's so important to love and be loved.

To love someone unconditionally, though, does not mean to ignore someone's dangerous habits, feelings and behaviors. Ignoring someone's violence towards others and themselves, substance abuse or any sort of addiction, is not love, it's denial and enabling. But loving someone and accepting their flaws and loving them regardless of those flaws, that is unconditional love.

It's putting disagreements, disappointments and hurt feelings aside and loving anyway. Knowing that you are loved and even if you make a bad decision, do something hurtful, do something you may regret is validating. It validates that you are a wonderful person regardless of your imperfections.

You are loved, just the way you are.

Thankful #39: I am thankful for making progress.

I am thankful for making progress.

When you are struggling with a problem and you've procrastinated actually dealing with it, it is so relieving to finally start the process of solving it. It makes the problem more concrete rather than this idea that we have created in our minds as much larger or overwhelming than it really is. Having an idea of the impact the problem might pose, is not necessarily realistic.

It's also well worth the battle to really begin the process of solving the problem. Being able to admit that there is a problem to even begin with , if you're anything like me, is a struggle in and of itself. But knowing there is a problem to solve, admitting it to yourself and someone else, while difficult, is so relieving.

Yes, there may be a long road ahead, but knowing you have started the journey towards a resolution is making progress in itself.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 38: I am thankful for hugs.

Sometimes all you need to make you feel better is a simple, genuine hug.  There are moment where there are no words to say in a situation and all you need is a hug.

I am thankful for real, sincere, tight hugs.  The kind where you can almost feel the love and support radiating off of it.  Hugs are important.  Hugs show that you are cared for, they show that you are loved.

I am thankful for really good hugs.

Hugs to all of you :)

Day 37: I am thankful for the infinite universe.

After going to the Adler Planetarium over a week ago, something has stuck with me. 

We are but a tiny speck in the infinite space of the universe. We are so small. There is SO much more to the universe. The universe is INFINITE!

Realizing how small we are in this enormous universe made me realize how inconsequential most of the stressors in my daily life actually are.
Looking into the sky and seeing all the stars, there is so much more to the universe that we can even imagine.

Even though we are tiny in this infinite space, we still have the ability to make a difference on the world around us and we can inspire others to good in the world.  We may be but a drop in the ocean, but we have the ability to make waves. 

I am so very thankful for the vast universe and all that it has to offer!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 36: I am thankful for kindness.


It seems so simple really. Why wouldn't we be kind to one another? But SO often people completely lack common courtesy and forget to be kind.  They seem too caught up in their own wants and needs and completely lack any consideration for those around them.  It's quite frustrating when seeing an act of kindness is rare and special. It shouldn't be. We should ALWAYS be kind to one another.

I am thankful for people who get up on the train when someone who really needs the seat is standing. I am thankful for people who will run after you if you've left your wallet behind. I am thankful for people who help those who have fallen down. I am thankful for those who do nice things for others and don't want or expect anything in return.  I am thankful for those who are simply kind.

We should all strive to be kinder in our daily lives. Witnessing an act of kindness always makes me want to be kinder.

I am thankful for sweetness, gentleness and kindness.

Days 34 & 35: I am thankful for apologies and for forgiveness.

# 34: I am thankful for apologies.

"I'm sorry." These are sometimes the hardest words to say when you really mean them and need to say them.  Apologizing to someone, when genuine, means that you are taking responsibility for hurting someone.  It's so hard admitting to ourselves that we have hurt another person, let alone admitting it to that person.  Even if unintended, we are capable of hurting each other.

Apologies are meaningful. Taking responsibility for our actions and words are meaningful.  It's difficult, it's painful, it's humbling and it's possibly even humiliating, but in order to right our wrongs, it's an important step.

Apologizing doesn't fix everything. You can genuinely apologize to someone repeatedly but it might make any difference in the long run.  We only have control over ourselves, our words, our actions and reactions. We can not control how another person is going to react or if they are even willing to acknowledge our apology let along accept it

I am thankful for the apologies I have received even if I am reluctant to accept them and I am thankful that I have had the ability to apologize when I have needed to the most.

# 35: I am thankful for forgiveness.

I am also thankful for being able to forgive others and to be forgiven.  One can only ask for forgiveness, there's no guarantee that you will actually receive it. As hard as it can be to be forgiven, it's also exceedingly difficult to forgive someone who has hurt us.

Forgiving someone brings forth a feeling of closure.  To forgive someone who has hurt us, while quite difficult, is peaceful and relieving.  When we finally have forgiven someone it helps not only the person being forgiven, but also ourselves.

The act of forgiving is so difficult, but it is also a step to healing past wounds.  I am so very thankful for the ability to forgive and to have been forgiven.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 33: I am thankful for broken objects.

When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something has suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.
I've seen the above quote attributed to different people, so I'm not certain who said it or wrote it first, but it touches my soul.

We are all broken objects. We have all gone through battles and have physical and emotional scars to prove it. We've all been broken somehow.  So how do we continue to function while still being broken? We mend ourselves over time. With the help of others we are able to put our pieces back together again and mend our wounds.  We as humans, are resilient.  Though we may be encumbered by burdens that we have carried throughout our lives, we have the ability to grow and flourish and most importantly learn. 
Our mistakes and hardships have helped to create who we are right now, in this moment. Fill your cracks, your wrinkles, your flaws, your empy and broken parts with gold. Fill yourself with hope. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 32: I am thankful for clean water.

Clean drinking water seems like something that should not be hard to come by. After consuming almost nothing but water for 2 days now, I am very thankful that the water that we have is clean and safe to drink.

Even though this is a normal part of our daily lives, it is actually a luxury and something that not everyone has access to.

Being thankful for things, even little things, that seem obvious, is what I'm trying to accomplish with this blog.

For that, I am thankful for access to clean water.

Day 31: I am thankful for your patience.

I've been remiss in posting the past few days because I am yet again, under the weather.

Thank you for being patient with my lag in my daily "thankfuls." Thank you for being patient while I recover once again, from illness.  Thank you for being patient with me while I try to get enough rest so that I can rebuild my immune system.

Thank you for your understanding and of course your patience.