Sunday, September 23, 2012

#70 I am thankful for people who support the arts.

The arts. All of the arts. Theater, painting, sculpting, music, poetry, dance, etc.  I am so very thankful for the people who support the arts. People who donate money, time, objects, and their efforts are in need of more appreciation. 

Funding for the arts is becoming harder and harder to come by so theater companies, art and music public education programs and other non-profit art programs are having to do more vigorous fundraising.

Yes, people need food and shelter and healthcare first, there is no denying that. But communities also need creative outlets and opportunities. People benefit from the arts. The emotional and spiritual benefits of creative expression are endless. People who support the arts in any way they can are so important to the artistic community. Supporting anyone's creative endeavors is validating to more than just that one person.

I'm not going to bother providing statistics about how art and music education increase SAT scores, but I know how art and the freedom to express myself creatively has increased my quality of life.  Visual arts, music, theater and dance have made my entire life and the lives of many of those around me so much more vibrant and full. 

Support the arts. Donate $1 to a local art program or theater company. Help support the creative community.

Here are some artistic programs that I support and encourage you to do the same:

Promethean Theatre Ensemble

City Lit Theater

Striding Lion Performance Group


Prologue Theatre Company

The Mime Company

Filament Theatre Ensemble

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