Monday, October 22, 2012

Thankful #81- Reconnecting

There are people who touch our lives and our souls who we love dearly no matter how long we may go without seeing or speaking with them.  There is a place in my heart for specific people who have made a meaningful impact on my life but for unknown reasons, I've lost touch with.  It could be physical or emotional distance, busy and hectic schedules or reasons that are unknown to both parties, but I still cherish these people deeply.

Thanks to the internet and my mild addiction to Facebook, I've been able to reconnect with many of these people. Seeing someone who I've always had very fond memories of and feelings for, after MANY years, is a wonderful feeling.  Being able to reconnect in person, even if for a short period makes me feel re-energized and motivated as well as nostalgic and loved.

I'm very thankful for the opportunity to reconnect and reunite with people who inspire me to be a better person and to seek greater things in life.

People may come and go in our lives, but their very being can leave a huge impression on us. Even if reconnecting isn't possible with every person I've lost touch with, I want to express my appreciation for the love, support and friendship I've received throughout my life.

I am thankful for reconnecting with old friends.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

#76- #80 I am thankful for the following:

#76- Pro-Choice Men

#77- Straight Allies

#78- 1%-ers who understand the struggles of the rest of the population

#79- The Righteous Among the Nations

Christians protect Muslims during prayer in the midst of the uprisings in Cairo, Egypt, in 2011.

#75 I am thankful for my nephew Ryan!

A belated birthday post for Ryan's 11th birthday!

I am so lucky to have my nephew Ryan in my life.  He is a joy to be around and is incredibly kind and sweet. He is generous and thoughtful. When Ryan heard that Brian's iPod was stolen, he offered his own as a replacement.  That kind of generosity is hard to find in adults, let alone in children.

Ryan has a good heart, gives good hugs and is so much fun to be around! I am so lucky and thankful to have such a wonderful nephew!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

#74- I am thankful for Feminism.

Anyone who knows me well, knows how passionate I am about feminism.  I am proud to say that I am a feminist.  Feminism is NOT a bad word and I refuse to take it as an insult.  One of my biggest pet peeves is when I hear someone say, "I hate to sound like a feminist but,..." or "I'm not a feminist but,..." IT DRIVES ME NUTS! You should be feel pride in your feminist beliefs not shame.

I am thankful for feminism because without it I would not be able to own property or vote, I'd be seen as property of my husband, weak and unable to make my own choices regarding having children. Without feminism I wouldn't be able to wear a skirt without being called a slut, I'd be forced to bear the child of a rapist, I'd be unable to leave an abusive partner and I wouldn't be able to report a supervisor for sexual harassment.

I am thankful for the feminists who fought for women's rights and continue to do so. I am thankful for feminism.

Monday, October 1, 2012

#73- I am thankful for positive energy.

Positive energy, more specifically, people who are able to share their positive energy with others, are SO valuable in the world.

I am so very thankful for the people in my life, who, no matter what has happened or how bad things have gotten for them, continue to stay positive and radiate joy.  I am thankful for those individuals who are able to see the silver lining on almost all clouds.  I am thankful for hugs, smiles, words of encouragement from people whose happiness is contagious.

Happiness, joy, laughter and positivity are contagious.  Unfortunately so are unhappiness, anxiety and grumpiness. If we choose to be affected by the emotions of others, let's try to only be affected by the positive energy, rather than the negative.  We have the power to let other people affect us, so only allow the positive energy to penetrate your emotional boundaries.

You are wonderful. You are strong. You are loved. Stay positive.

I am inspired by positive people and I am thankful for the contagious nature of positivity.

#72- I am thankful for inspiration.

Sometimes I need a reminder that the world is full of wonder, happiness and joy not just hatred, prejudice and war. There are times where I am in funk, in a rut, stuck in a negative head-space and I need something to remind me that there are things that make life worth living.

Life is not always full of puppies, rainbows and cupcakes.  But without these low points, I don't know if I could fully appreciate the moments where I am inspired or in awe of the beauty of the world.

I can be inspired by many things; books, art, nature, tv shows, movies, individuals, almost anything and everything really.

Every now and then something strikes a chord within my soul. I am inspired to create, to act, to be present in the moment.  Sometimes I have to search for inspiration other times it just hits me out of the blue.

I want to be inspired and for the world to be full of positive inspiration.