Monday, October 1, 2012

#72- I am thankful for inspiration.

Sometimes I need a reminder that the world is full of wonder, happiness and joy not just hatred, prejudice and war. There are times where I am in funk, in a rut, stuck in a negative head-space and I need something to remind me that there are things that make life worth living.

Life is not always full of puppies, rainbows and cupcakes.  But without these low points, I don't know if I could fully appreciate the moments where I am inspired or in awe of the beauty of the world.

I can be inspired by many things; books, art, nature, tv shows, movies, individuals, almost anything and everything really.

Every now and then something strikes a chord within my soul. I am inspired to create, to act, to be present in the moment.  Sometimes I have to search for inspiration other times it just hits me out of the blue.

I want to be inspired and for the world to be full of positive inspiration.

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