Tuesday, December 11, 2012

#88- I am thankful for the "holiday spirit."

I know not everyone agrees with me on this, but I LOVE Christmas-time and the holidays. I'm not Christian AND I've worked in retail, two things that should make me less enthusiastic about this time of year. But there's something about the decorations, the movies, the carols, the sights and smells of Christmas that I just LOVE.  I love classy holiday decorations and I love the tackiest of holiday decorations. I am in all my glory wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and gaudy Christmas headbands with antlers. I just love it.

I've got the Christmas spirit and it's hard to deny. Even though the "holiday spirit" is something that is primarily felt this time of year, I wish that people could be generous, thoughtful and kind the whole year through. The concept of giving to those in need and being kind to others should be something that isn't ignored once Christmas is over.  I wish that that the idea of holiday spirit could be spread throughout the year and that it was a part of our everyday human spirit.

I am thankful for the holiday spirit and I am going to try to keep it all year through.

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