Wednesday, January 2, 2013

#89- I am thankful for J.K. Rowling.

J.K. Rowling has created a magical world that has allowed me and millions of others to get lost in. Without her I wouldn't still be waiting for my letter from Hogwarts and wish that I was friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The world she created is more than just a fantasy world. It's a mystical place with witches and wizards, owls and rats, goblins, trolls and house-elves. There are lessons to be learned and morals to be gained from reading these books.

I was resistant to reading these books initially, as I thought it was just a passing fad and I wasn't that interested in the fantasy genre to begin with but I will forever be thankful for the professor who gave it as a reading assignment in a Children's Literature class.

I love being able to get lost in these books and the enchanting world within the pages and even though I know it isn't real, it almost seems as if I've been transformed as I finish the last page.

Thank you J.K. Rowling for your creativity and ability to create a world that I wish was real.

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