Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thankful #41: I am thankful for a weekend away with friends. Part 1.

I was able to take a break from hectic city life for an extended weekend in a rural part of Brown County, Indiana with some wonderful people.  Being that the weekend was full of joy and laughter and nature, I am thankful for SO many things.

I am thankful for hikes through the forest. I am thankful for the way the sunlight hits the ceiling of leaves and makes it's way down to the ground in little spurts. I am so very thankful for the various shades of green throughout a forest.  I love being able to breathe the fresh forest air. I am thankful for being able to hear nothing but crickets, cicadas and frogs through the night.

I am thankful for the sweet innocence of children. I am thankful for the moments when children grab your hand, unprovoked, just to be close and create a special bond.  I am thankful for the tender moment when a baby rests her head upon your chest to relax.  Being able to feel a baby's heartbeat echo through your chest because of the closeness, is indescribable.

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to get away from every day stresses and frustrations and just be.

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