Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thankful #47: I am thankful for my memories.

I am so very thankful for my memories.

Memories are more precious to me than almost any physical object that I possess.  Without the memories I have of my childhood, my family, special moments in time, I am nothing.

Anything can jog a special memory. A specific smell, a song, a sound, an image, a television show or movie. I have specific memories that are directly tied to different things.  I can hold an item or hear a song and vividly remember the moment in my mind.

There are other moments that I hold dear to my soul because they were when my immediate family was complete and whole. I carry those moments and memories with me wherever I go. I hold the memories of a time when things felt simple and innocent, close to my heart and soul.

Memories allow us to time travel. Memories allow us to be with those who left us. Memories allow us to be a child once again. Memories allow us to be with those who are far away.  Memories allow us to remember the joy and laughter of an easier time.

I am thankful for my memories.

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