Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thankful #46: I am thankful for the ability to grow.

Even as adults we are constantly growing, learning, adapting.  We never stop learning. Everyday we experience new things and new opportunities for growth. We are not a perfect species but there are so many ways to learn and grow and improve ourselves.

Each challenge that we face is an opportunity for growth.  We need to learn from our mistakes so that we don't continue to make them.  We all make mistakes, not a single person is perfect. But from these mistakes, from these challenges, we are able to understand ourselves more.

There is always something new to learn about the world around us, about ourselves, about each other. But if you aren't open to learning and growing and maturing, then are you are preventing yourself from becoming a better version of yourself.

As adults, even though our bodies have stopped physically growing, we can still grow emotionally, intellectually, spiritually.  Our minds are still expanding and opening to new exciting adventures and ideas.

Keep your mind and your soul open, there is an unending amount growth possible. I am thankful for the ability to grow.

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