Thursday, September 6, 2012

#61 I am thankful for the person who starts the standing ovation.

There are often times when my eyes are full of tears because I'm so moved by a play, the acting, the story, the music, that I'm afraid that if I stand up and clap, that I will start crying and everyone will see me crying.  Now, I realize that this isn't really a fear, it's just me and overwhelming emotions.

But when someone else stands up first, I feel a little braver and if I've been moved by the performance, I will also stand up and clap even harder for the performers and artists involved in the piece.

So thank you, random first person to stand up for the standing ovation, you give me that little boost of strength to stand up as well, even if I'm quietly (or not so quietly) weeping!

Hogwarts clapping

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